Evaluation Process

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What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation is an assessment of how one’s brain functions, which indirectly yields information about the structural and functional integrity of the brain. The neuropsychological evaluation involves an interview and the administration of tests, along with a feedback session to discuss results. The tests are administered via iPad, as well as pencil and paper. The majority of the tests require administration by a neuropsychologist; accordingly, Dr. Konrady will be working directly with the patient during the testing session. Other tasks are self-report measures, which are completed by the patient and/or a loved one. Many of these can be completed electronically, outside of the scheduled testing session.

Neuropsychological tests are standardized, meaning that they are administered in the same fashion to all patients and scored in a similar manner time after time. An individual’s scores on tests are interpreted by comparing their score to that of healthy individuals of a similar demographics (i.e., of similar age, education, gender, and/or ethnic background) and to expected levels of functioning. In this way, a neuropsychologist can determine whether one’s performance on any given task represents a strength or weakness. Although individual scores are important, the neuropsychologist looks at all of the data from the evaluation to determine a pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses and, in turn, to understand more about how the brain is functioning.

Neuropsychological tests evaluate function within a number of areas including: intelligence, executive function (such as planning, abstraction, conceptualization), attention, memory, language, perception, sensorimotor functions, motivation, mood state and emotion, quality of life, and personality styles. The areas addressed in an individual’s evaluation are determined by the referral question (what the referring doctor and patient wants to know), patient’s complaints and symptoms, and observations made during interview and test administration.

The evaluation consists of 3 appointments:

Intake Interview
1-2 hours in person or via telehealth

Testing Session
lasting 2-6+ hours in clinic
(may be divided into 2 days if needed)

Feedback Session
3 weeks following testing, with a comprehensive report provided to patient and referral source

Payment Policy:

The evaluation is private pay only. The initial intake interview will be billed at $300, with testing fees added if testing is indicated. A superbill will be provided upon request, which the patient may provide to their insurance provider to negotiate reimbursement. The following flat rates apply, with necessary adjustments made based upon the complexity of individual needs and referral question(s). 

Evaluation Pricing

Initial Intake Interview: $300
Child/Adolescent: $3800
Adult 18—64: $3400
Adult 65+: $3000

Pricing is made transparent to the patient, and questions are encouraged throughout the process.